48. friendship

People come and people go.
Appreciate when they stay and embrace the memories once they are gone.

It is easy to say yet very hard to do.
be grateful for small little things that keep the relationship going.
there are someone that say simple "Hi", call for nonsense talk, video call to accompany you in the Grab Car, send you food, take you out for meals unnoticed, souvenir when they went for holiday. 
Those might seem meaningless yet if it was taken from our daily routine. It is big. Believe me. 

Personally, i think group whatsapp/ group chat play a bog role in maintaining friendship bond. Imagine, in a group of 12. you can say "Hi" to all rather than PM each 12 people one by one. It save time and keep the friendship going without awkward. I cant deny that there are some people that want others to keep in touch with them personally. Like for me, i do contact personally if the important message need to be convey personally. 

Those who be there with us when we are at the top, stayed when we fall & lend a helping hand when we tried to crawled back from our darkest dungeon. Sometimes, we need time to sort out our mind before we escape from our cave of thought & those who walk along when we are lost . 

Distance & time give no impact. As, if it meant to be, it will be. Like some people only there in our life to teach us life lesson && this cant be helped. 

When i studied for my Master's Degree in Glasgow, my late father was diagnosed with brain-stem stroke. I am grateful for those that come and visit my parents, help to fetch my sister eventhough i am not in Malaysia at that time. I am also thankful to those  keep supporting me mentally, emotionally & financially as well. 

I might not have the quantity but i do keep the quality . Hopefully, it maintain. 

"Happy Friendship Day" 

Shafiqa Hanafi

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