6. Affordablility

Had the term  'affordable' been upgraded ?

How affordable is to be affordable?  First of all, affordable in simple definition is inexpensive or reasonably priced.

There was once Starbucks being label as luxury drink in Malaysia but now, it had been daily remedy for the youth. Youth explore travel as their new hobby and Coach and LV had been the new ROXY and QuickSilver. The first thing that pop out of my mind was are we getting richer ?

Day after day, I realised that, the mentality of youth in Malaysia had changed.

As fact, education qualification of Malaysia had increase. More Malaysian had the qualification to feed the professionalism profession that was set up through FDI in Malaysia. Added to that value, Youth starter to have more investment for themselves such as ASNB, Currency  and Gold Account. Even 50% of my friends have their own side business.  Ain't that wonderful ?

From Instagram, we can see tremendous amount of new business that might not have even cross in our vein that could be the trend of current wave. Carousell provide us with alternative to get  profit for unwanted item especially. These site provide us the platform of additional physical investment .

" we should not lower our style of living to fit our income but put on fighter mode to earn in order to ensure our cash can support our lifestyle." -shafiqa hanafi

After all is using what best for us is what I call affordable . Define is as if I bought something for the sake of cheaper and have lower life span that In the end it lead to more consumption. Why should I ? I was once bought a REALLY cheaper skin care in order to save some cash. After 5 usage my skin seem to get worse, excessive dry and crack. I cant even wash my face as it is to dry. In the end, I spent double to repair my skin. Right, indeed using what the most suitable for us is what is call affordable. 

Sometimes, i wonder if someone stingy will they being categories as "kufur nikmat' . Just wondering. Plus, if we have the cash and we dont forget the needy, we donate then why not spend on ourself as to be thankful for the fortune (rezeki) from Allah. Indeed. 

Sometimes, i just wondering since when we start to eat nasi lemak from restaurant and no longer from Mak Cik in front of our primary school? Since when we  search for pisang goreng in restaurant, air kelapa from cold drink section and no longer fresh from the coconut. 

Just wondering. Had the term  'affordable' been upgraded ? or simply our taste has be       evolved. 


© Shafiqa Hanafi

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